Tuesday, 15 May 2012

FMP: Introductory Media

Final Major Project

Introductory Media

1920's Seed Packets:

I visited the Baileys Home Store in Ross-on-Wye on Baileys Whitecross Farm, Bridstow, to personally research the seed packets I had been informed was there.  Pulling into the car park in my little 2002 Vauxhal Corsa, I immediately got a feel of the place, parked next to big, expensive Range Rover, Sport's and those alike.  The displays of every item in Baileys made each product (such as a wooden peg) appear luxurious and worth getting a mortgage out to buy. 

However, in among this impressive displays, was a stand, with beautiful, delicate and tactile seed packets.  Enquiring about these, I discovered these were French 1920's seed packets.  

I couldn't help myself but to purchase two of my favourite seed packets (see bellow) and by collecting these, gave me the inspiration I needed for my Introductory Media and business cards.  Also having these, I could see how they were constructed and analyse and reference why they are so impressive.


This is what I thought of the vintage, 1920's seed packets:


  • Closely cropped, focuses on the subject and provides a quality composition
  • Organic and natural colours
  • Shapely lines make the vegetables look luscious
  • 'Perfect' vegetables = good advertisement for the seeds
  • The text compliments the illustration and subject in a traditional 'type writer' style
  • Very 'of its time' and 1920's esqu.  The painted technique goes well with the topic as its a very natural approach.  
  • Not so much here, but the painted technique can also be quite messy in appearance which is also complimentary to the hands-on subject matter.

Paper Engineering / Construction:

  • The image is printed onto a shiny, textured paper in a quite handmade manner, quite a lot like the hand crafted nature of an allotment. I like these principles.
  • However, paper used for the packet itself is very flimsy and easily torn.  Although, this is understandable as they are approximately 90 years old.
  • Off white / brown paper compliments the topic well.  Better than a brilliant, sterile white.

The Idea with inspiration from seed packets:

  1. I am aiming to produce my business cards with a strong inspiration form these 1920's seed packets.  I like the old fashioned type writer style text above the illustration, which could be my name and contact details over one of my illustrations.
  2. Along with the business card idea, having it in a seed packet form would compliment my final major projects show.  Underneath the hangings of my artwork on the wall, I could have these cards arranged in flower pots, stood in the 'mud' on a shelf.  This would keep all my work complimenting each other as well as telling a story of me, my views and allotments themselves. 

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