Final Major Project
Introductory Media
1920's Seed Packets:
I visited the Baileys Home Store in Ross-on-Wye on Baileys Whitecross Farm, Bridstow, to personally research the seed packets I had been informed was there. Pulling into the car park in my little 2002 Vauxhal Corsa, I immediately got a feel of the place, parked next to big, expensive Range Rover, Sport's and those alike. The displays of every item in Baileys made each product (such as a wooden peg) appear luxurious and worth getting a mortgage out to buy.
However, in among this impressive displays, was a stand, with beautiful, delicate and tactile seed packets. Enquiring about these, I discovered these were French 1920's seed packets.
I couldn't help myself but to purchase two of my favourite seed packets (see bellow) and by collecting these, gave me the inspiration I needed for my Introductory Media and business cards. Also having these, I could see how they were constructed and analyse and reference why they are so impressive.
This is what I thought of the vintage, 1920's seed packets:
- Closely cropped, focuses on the subject and provides a quality composition
- Organic and natural colours
- Shapely lines make the vegetables look luscious
- 'Perfect' vegetables = good advertisement for the seeds
- The text compliments the illustration and subject in a traditional 'type writer' style
- Very 'of its time' and 1920's esqu. The painted technique goes well with the topic as its a very natural approach.
- Not so much here, but the painted technique can also be quite messy in appearance which is also complimentary to the hands-on subject matter.
Paper Engineering / Construction:
- The image is printed onto a shiny, textured paper in a quite handmade manner, quite a lot like the hand crafted nature of an allotment. I like these principles.
- However, paper used for the packet itself is very flimsy and easily torn. Although, this is understandable as they are approximately 90 years old.
- Off white / brown paper compliments the topic well. Better than a brilliant, sterile white.