Thursday, 14 April 2011

My Easter Holidays

One illustration each day:
Ive decided to keep my imagination flowing by creating one illustration each day, either depicting what I have done that day or of an idea.  They may not be posted each and every day but they will be created once a day. Promise!!!
Hope you like them:

I get so nervous making that first mark in a sketchbook

I created this sketch ages ago on the Easy Jet (well more like "Scary Jet") flight to Germany:

This is an illustration of my little cousin Jaime, I was trying to bring out her fun, energetically crazy personality in this image:   

This is more of a doodle, I tried to combine the duck with its environment (the reeds and river) in a colourful pattern:  

This illustration came about from me spending HOURS regimentally tidying and organising all my clothes in my wardrobe.  Yes I did have 2 black bags of clothes to get rid of:   

For once an active day!!!  The Wii "Your Shape" with a web cam style device shows you what your doing, whist the animated wii woman shows you what you SHOULD BE doing :-)

A lovely shopping day out with my friend Ceri in Hereford inspired this illustration.  I just had to illustrate a New Look changing room scene (other changing rooms are avaliable) as we spent 1hr 30mins in this one shop getting kitted out for the summer:


  1. I love how I have been immortalised on your blog!!
    Its Ceri, by the way!!

  2. I also think the duck is fab!!

  3. Thankyou Ceri :-) and I couldnt have a blog without encorperating you into it somehow!
