Wednesday, 2 March 2011

Illustration Futures, Loading Screen

The project I am currently working on is to create a loading screen for Coca Cola.  The angle I have decided to take on this is of the American side of the well known company and its history. 

My first port-of-call was clearly going to be the Coca Cola website:

After looking at its ethos and themes i decided to take the idea that Coca Cola were comparing themselves to the importance of the establishment of the Statue of Liberty (now you cant get much more American than that). When looking at her roles in film i found a great link of her 'Top 10 Film Appearances':

Once I had done a bit of research I created a brainstorm of Coca Cola facts and what the company represent.

That then led my to create a few design ideas with the Statue of Liberty as its focus:

The last design led me to create this initial storyboard:
Once deciding that i was going to create an animation where in the background was the Statue of Liberty going from close up to reveal all of her. And in the foreground the level of coca cola drops and flows up the straw.
To create this I need to look at the Statue of Liberty, Coca Cola bottles and six pack and the straw for the foreground.

As the Coca Cola is key in the design, the next step was to buy some Coca Cola and photograph it


These videos and photos helped me to observe the Coca Cola's color, texture and way it pours and flows in a straw


 The straw experimentation aided me in decided I liked the handmade look of the collage and the red straws colour was fitting and xact to that of the Cola brand.

This straw experimentation led me to look at the Statue of Liberty's head-wear and transform them into straws for comical effect.

After being certain of my storyboard I started to compose and start to create elements of my image I would later animate.  I used models and life modelling classes to aid in my drawing skills of the female figure:
After experimenting with different backgrounds by cutting out and sticking her on various backgrounds, I decided upon this Coca Cola icon as it makes the Statue of Liberty stand out and it also reflects the company that the loading screen is for:

From doing further research into Coca Cola I discovered that Andy Warhol was famous creator of Coca Cola fine artwork.  He successfully created prints of this equally culturally famous American brand.  He liked to express its mass production.

On the website "Andy Warhol, The King of Pop Art"   
...  Warhol writes “What’s great about this country is that America started the tradition where the richest consumers buy essentially the same things as the poorest. You can be watching TV ans see Coca-Cola and you can know that the President drinks Coke, Liz Taylor drinks Coke, and just think, you can drink Coke too. A Coke is a Coke and no amount of money can get you a better Coke than the one the bum on the corner is drinking. All the Cokes are the same and all the Cokes are good. Liz Taylor knows it, the President knows it, the bum knows it, and you know it.” Andy Warhol
I also like the boldness of Andy Warhol's style and thought it appropriate to create the loading screen design with this in mind.  It's a homage to Andy Warhol's interest in the everyday item of mass production and tradition and equality if the American company Coca Cola.

With all this research and creative synthesis in mind it led me to create this illustration of the Statue of Liberty holding Coca Cola merchandise with a straw hat replacing her head-wear.

I was very pleased with this image.  The coloured pencil gave the illustration a asthetically pleasing colour, tone and three dimensional appearence.  Also the studies of the Statue of Liberty itself and the female figure helped me to accurately re-create her iconic pose and shape.

I later took this image, along with the Coca Cola logo and collage straw as well as the watercolour cola itself and created my first successful animation for the Coca Cola loading screen.